Tuesday, July 6, 2010


So, a few weekends ago I headed North to the city of angels, in other terms, Los Angeles. Let me start by saying that the city is huge and nothing but a concrete jungle! It did have its good points, so its at least good to go once. I saw some cool things such as: the Getty Museum, Downtown, Hollywood, Santa Monica, Venice, and a Game show (are you smarter than a fifth grader). I will probably be on TV since I was right behind Jeff Foxworthy , calm down, I'll sign autographs later. But anyways, LA was pretty intimidating, since the traffic there never stops! I did meet and hang out with a guy who went to LSU on Venice Beach, it all started because he was wearing an LSU cap. I also checked out an dodgers-yankees game which was pretty exciting, and had a run away bus fly pass me walking up to the stadium, which almost hit three cars and eventually smashed into some concrete pilings, only in Hollywood. I also slept in a pretty dump of a hostel in Venice Beach, but it all added to the experience! Overall it was a good weekend, but needless to say I was happy to get back to the classy San Diego...until next time..

1 comment:

  1. I here the Getty is amazing.

    You didn't compete on Smarter than a 5th Grader?!?

    -Alex S
